12. Boxes

To hit the daily dispatch goal, I have to dispatch daily. But I’m out of ideas, and I’m exhausted, word-wise; my head feels filled, hazy. So this is what I’m going to do, I’m going to make boxes – I’m going to make boxes and work within them.

I admit that most of this is shallow pyrotechnics of the worst kind.

What the main difference between a short story and a novel? Three sentences.

The main difference is length – short stories are naturally shorter and therefore require compression and a faster pace than a novel. The advantage of a novel is that you can afford to be a lot looser and lot more explorative. The advantage of a short story is pace and work load, you can get in and out very quickly – annoyingly most people ignore the short story and focus on the novel, this is foolish.

Not bad. Tell me why entertainment is good. 10 sentences all starting with the word ‘entertainment’.

Entertainment is often seen as a bad word. Entertainment, we’re told, mostly by the snooty heads, is shallow, stupid and bad for us. Entertainment is therefore frowned upon. Entertainment should not be frowned upon. Entertainment should be rightly praised. Entertainment should be the first touchstone of excellence. ‘Entertainment’ – as in this was Entertainment or this was entertaining should be a requirement of everything we watch, listen to, or absorb in any capacity. Entertainment is, according to the dictionary, the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment. Entertainment should be our sole quest. Entertainment should be considered hallowed ground, the holy grail, because being entertained is when we’re gooey enough for those other big words like ‘meaning’ and ‘happiness’ to sneak up on us.

Slipped up near the middle there, but we’ll let it slide. Why boxes? – 20 words exactly.

Boxes provide limitations. Limitations force solutions. And creativity is really just solving problems in interesting ways. Use boxes when stuck.

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